Ubuntu Desktop Makeover

I must confess that since Ubuntu started, there have been a lot of changes that we have experienced on our desktop (each time for the better). However, I have always loved changing its appearance, to one more according to my particular tastes, sometimes up to 3 changes per year. This is one of the features […]
Upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04

Hello penguins, I hope this short post helps someone. As you know, I have been using Ubuntu since 2004, and I must confess that I like it more every day. I have already some years (5 years at this time) that I left the country where I was born (Venezuela). Now, I live in the […]
Ubuntu 20.04

I have finally been able to update my Ubuntu to version 20.04. As we know, the update from 18.04 through the command ‘do-release-upgrade’ took a while to arrive, however it was only yesterday that I tried it and it worked perfectly. At first glance I have found that my system is working much, but much […]
Installing PowerShell on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04)

As all you already must to know, I am a Linux enthusiastic, especially when it comes Ubuntu. But the truth is that in each company in which I had to work for the last five years, they are companies that base their technology platform mostly on Windows Server operating systems. Because of that, I had […]